Have you ever wondered what your Calling in God might be?
Many struggle for years with this very question. Am I? Am I? We worry ourselves ineffective as we try to figure out which Great Calling we will participate in.
For years many miss their chance to bring Children into the Kingdom of God, while praying and fasting trying to find our Callings.
After the death of Jesus His Disciples sat in confusion trying to figure out what to do next. They had seen first hand what witnessing for the Kingdom brought and were in great fear. Kind of sounds like most of God’s Disciples today doesn’t it?
Mark 16:14-18 Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every Creature….
This is the first and continuous calling of every believer. Just as Baptism is your first public witness of your LOVE and allegiance to Jesus as Lord and Savior. Witnessing is the first and next step into the Calling that Jesus has given to all believers.
How do I do it?
The disciples were cowering in fear after the death of Jesus. They hid after His burial. But when they witnessed His Resurrection and were convinced that Eternal Life was possible, they began to fulfill their Calling,(Great Commission) to spread the Good News Of Jesus, to every person. This involved-criticism-imprisonment- beatings- even horrible deaths, but because they were completely convinced that eternal life was available to all who would receive. They were more than willing to suffer any obstacle to fulfill their Calling. Romans 10 is God’s handbook to your calling.
When we accept this responsibility we are well on our way to fulfilling our Calling in Christ.
Greathel Gibson Ministries
God gives us all kinds of opportunities to witness for him we need to be alert and look for them and then take action. Good message.